Monday, September 14, 2009

Building a DI box from scratch (part 2)

In my last post, I mentioned how some people build DI Boxes because it's not that difficult. I should have worded that differently. What I meant to say is, some people "assemble" DI boxes because it's not too difficult.
Yesterday I built the transformer for the DI. Today, I started building the chassis. I was actually just gonna buy a chassis, but I couldn't find what I was looking for so I decided to just build it from scratch. I chose to use some heavy gauge sheet metal because it was relatively easy to work with, yet very sturdy. I laid out a basic blueprint and started cutting away with a pair of tin snips (very difficult). Cleaned up the edges and then started drilling the holes to mount everything. I threaded all the holes so I wouldn't have to use any nuts - plus it looks more professional. It was a real bitch to bend the metal into shape, but after a lot of man-handling I got it there. Tomorrow is building the cover, painting the chassis, and finally drilling and tapping holes for mounting the cover. here's some pics from today:

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